Just a zombie alpaca on some clouds. Nothing special.

Hamil the Zombie-like Alpaca is feeling The current mood of rand_in_a_box@yahoo.com.au at

Where am I?

Welcome-es to Zombie Alpacas, a place where everything zombie-like, demonic, evil or in some way related to alpacas will feel at home. Yes, that's bullshit, we all know it.

Bullshit or not, the intention of this site is to amuse or enlighten you in some manner, (and if I ever get around to writing the rest of the site, it may do that ^.^;;), so put your feet up and have a look around. You might actually find something you like.

OK...you just told me exactly what I didn't want to know. Not what?

Now you avert your eyes to the other column and click something.


November 17, 2004

Hm...I seem to have mislaid the majority of my website. And my backups. Hm... I guess this is what happens when you go through several folder moves and a computer swap over.

Well, I have exactly seven days of classes left to go before summer holidays (hoorah!), so maybe after then I'll realistically have time to make some of this site.

*cries* I lost so much stuff...but at least I'm not in Times anymore...>.>

June 20, 2004

Why is all the text in Times New Roman? Why isn't one link *not* in times? Why is the layout screwed on some pages but not others? Why has my router not come yet? Why am I even updating?

It seems I have some debugging to do...

May 28, 2004

There is now not one, but *two* new pages up ^_____^ *gasp!* Actually...it's just pages I'd already half written. Plus...my router died. And so did the mouse. Resulting situation: Only computer with internet doesn't have a working mouse attached to it. Drat.

Hm...it's actually kinda ironic that I only ever update this site when my internet's down.

6 March, 2004

Whoa...for once I actually updated enough to start an updates section...whoa...

Lesse...wrote Majic's Banjo rant and did general formatting/updating stuff. But only because my Internet connection was down...*looks innocent* C'mon, I had to stay in contact with the Internet somehow...

"It's a dangerous business leaving your homepage; you click on a link, and if you don't keep your head on straight, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to."



Shhh...I havn't written anything that qualifies to go into this section yet...


Dreaming in of school
Ranting, Raving and Randomness
Bad Movie of the Moment 1
The American's Dummies Guide to Cricket


No...still technically havn't written anything.

*smacks gob* Oh look! I have a half decent guest book now! NOT

Stay tuned for a new guestbook...you generally have to login to accounts more than once a semester to keep them alive -_-;;

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I don't steal your stuff. Don't steal mine. This page was written by Sailor, 2004.